The Beauty of Advanced Placement (AP) Courses

AP classes have become an essential part of the journey for many high school students. However, to fully appreciate the value of AP classes, we must first understand what AP classes are. This guide has a companion (The Ugly Truth About AP Classes) that dives deep into what AP classes are not and the most common misunderstandings about them.

You probably already know that AP classes can help you replace intro-level college courses. For this reason, AP classes are designed to mirror their corresponding intro-level college courses, with the main difference being time: college students will cover the same material in just one semester, while high school students have a whole school year. This insight is vital because an intro-level college course has a specific goal: to help first- or second-year college students decide whether to pursue the subject further as a major or minor and, if so, where to specialize. This is why an Intro to Biology college course will cover all of the major topics within biology, like genetics, animal & plant anatomy, biochemistry, and ecosystems, to name a few. Armed with this understanding, we can better understand the actual value of AP courses.

Opportunity to Explore

As an intro course, an AP class will cover all of the major topics within the subject, which makes it an excellent opportunity for you to get a wide-angle view of a subject and decide if there is enough interest for further pursuit. In this way, it is more helpful to think about an AP class as the beginning of your journey, even though the class itself usually represents the final step of a subject. Instead of burning yourself out on an AP course that you have zero interest in, try taking subjects that you are genuinely curious about.

Opportunity to be Challenged

The other defining feature of AP classes is that they are typically the most challenging, most advanced courses for a particular high school subject, making them an excellent opportunity to challenge yourself and become a stronger student. After all, learning is like a muscle, and it gets stronger with added strain. Many students report that they “learned how to study” through their AP class because it was the first time they were pushed to a point where skimming their notes ten minutes before a test was no longer sufficient.

Earn College Credit

We saved this for last because it’s the most well-known benefit of AP classes. Earning college credit is primarily a money saver because your entire college career can be broken down into credits. Generally speaking, collect enough credits and you can graduate! This means earning credits through AP testing is highly cost-effective. The average cost per credit at a top 50 US university is roughly $1500 and closer to $2000 if you include room and board. This means if you earn three credits for your 5 in AP Calc BC, you’re literally saving yourself nearly $6000.

Conclusion: APs are an excellent opportunity to grow

In the bigger picture, AP classes are not just about earning college credit—they represent a step forward in your academic journey. They help you explore potential majors, sharpen your study skills, and potentially save thousands in tuition. By choosing AP classes that align with your interests, you’re setting yourself up for a richer educational experience and a smoother transition to college life.


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